May 25th 2008, my roommate of 3 years in college got married. Jessi is fabulous. I love her, really. And her husband Anthony is great too. I really wish them a lot of joy in their future. I will say, this was a bit of a marathon wedding though. On Friday, I flew in from San Diego and that evening was the rehearsal (outside- in the pouring down rain). Then we went out afterwards for some dancing. I didn’t last long here. When we left the downtown club, I had been awake for 24 hours straight. But it was a good time.
Then on Saturday, we had a bridesmaid’s brunch. This was with all of us bridesmaids and then also the mother and mother-in-law. Jessi made all the food herself (ya-know, because you’re not busy at all the week before your wedding). It was really nice. She gave us all some small clutches and a necklace as a thank you gift. But mostly we just ate and talked and laughed. After that, we went to go get nails done. This was a bit of a traumatic experience for me because I told the lady “no cut” on my fingers… but she butchered them anyways. My pointer finger on my left hand was way too short and slanted (it took me a couple weeks to grow out my nails for this event). This plus the exhaustion from the previous day brought be to the point of tears but fortunately, it was time to go home and take a nap. That evening we spent the night at the Hacienda Hotel in Old Town, right across from the ceremony site.
Sunday was the wedding. We woke up at 6am to begin the primping process. We all wore shirts that jess’s mother-in-law had gotten for us. They were bright pink tank-tops that said “TEAM BRIDE- sexy little things” in rind stones. This isn’t something that I would normally wear- but the idea was cute. It took a while for us all to get ready *shocking*. But the end results were fabulous.
We started taking pictures at 10 am and I must say that the photographer was fun. The ceremony started at 1:30 in Heritage Park in Old Town. It was a beautiful day and the area that was set up for the ceremony was beautiful! I teared up during the vows. Jess and Anthony had written their own vows and although it was hard to hear Jessi’s, I could hear Anthony’s perfectly and it was such an honor to hear what he had to say to my friend. The vows were said quietly, so I’m pretty sure nobody could hear them but us. But that might have been a good thing. After the ceremony, we went to the reception site which was the Darlington House in La Jolla. We were running late and so Jess was had decided that we weren’t going to go down to the beach to take pictures like she had planned. Well, at this moment, I had to do my duty. I went over to her and said, “Jess, the reception can’t start without us. You’ve wanted to take pictures at the beach, so we should… who cares what time it is… you only get to do this once.” It took a second but she said “you’re right” and so we went down to the beach to take some pictures. It was a lot of fun… and I can’t wait to see how they turned out. The reception too was beautiful. All-in-all a great time.
Monday we met up for a Mexican breakfast at the hotel and then we went off on our own ways. They are now on their honeymoon in Aruba. Yay for them.