We are buying boxes today, so I guess that means it's really happening. We are moving to DC! Yup, that's right. Dave got a job at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Producer Price Index department. (Don't ask, I don't know!) He starts his new job August 15th so we're packing up and moving him down to our new apartment on August 9th. We're sad to leave Boston, but excited for what's to come.
As of now, Dave will be alone with Ginny until I am finished with my dissertation. I'm defending on September 7th and will help him get moved in and then come back to Worcester to wrap stuff up. I don't have a job lined up yet, but have applied for several jobs. I've been in contact with a scientist at NIH to be a post-doc, and it looks promising. I've also applied for some private-sector and government (non-post doc jobs) and hope to hear from some of those as well.
Our new residence will be in Rockville, MD in the adorable town center, complete with cute shops and restaurants. We'll be about a 3 minute walk to the metro and... wait for it... we don't have to pay for a parking spot!! (That was HUGE when we came down to look for an apartment).
So stay tuned and wish us luck!
28 July 2011
22 July 2011
Business & Networking Cards
Many of you know the importance of networking. You do it all the time. At work, at meetings, at lunches, but you may not realize that you also network at the gym or the hair salon... dare I say it, even at a bar! You never know who you will meet or when. I recently started working out with a group of about 6 people. The guy who "ran" the group is married to the VP at BD Biosciences for the Health Economics and Outcomes Research Group. Whoddathunkit? Gave the guy my "grad student" card that I made myself and am now connected to her, a valuable resource. Awesome. Always be prepared. You never know who you will meet!
These are the cards that I made myself in grad-school. I think you can get some through UMass when you are a student, but I wanted something a little more feminine.

But now, I'm facing the idea that I may be looking for a job while NOT at UMass and living in our new town Rockville, MD. So, I found these awesome "mini" cards. They are half the size of a business card. I was able to use confocal images that I took during my graduate research for the back-side and put my current info (email and phone number) on the opposite side in a cool lime green color, which happens to coordinate well with the images on the opposite side. Cool huh?!? Even better is that you can upload up to 100 different images. And they are cheap! $19.99/100. I think that's pretty good considering you are getting a unique product that can really promote your "brand". In full disclosure, I also ordered some non-nerdy ones with a cool pink-geometric pattern when I don't want someone to know my full geekiness. :)
Use the link above for a 10% discount!!
These are some of the images I used for my custom cards!

These are the cards that I made myself in grad-school. I think you can get some through UMass when you are a student, but I wanted something a little more feminine.

But now, I'm facing the idea that I may be looking for a job while NOT at UMass and living in our new town Rockville, MD. So, I found these awesome "mini" cards. They are half the size of a business card. I was able to use confocal images that I took during my graduate research for the back-side and put my current info (email and phone number) on the opposite side in a cool lime green color, which happens to coordinate well with the images on the opposite side. Cool huh?!? Even better is that you can upload up to 100 different images. And they are cheap! $19.99/100. I think that's pretty good considering you are getting a unique product that can really promote your "brand". In full disclosure, I also ordered some non-nerdy ones with a cool pink-geometric pattern when I don't want someone to know my full geekiness. :)
Use the link above for a 10% discount!!
These are some of the images I used for my custom cards!

09 July 2011
Little Miss Picky
1. She loves her food cooked in egg yolk (we do this occasionally because it's good for her coat). When we do this, she inhales her food... and we usually only give her one yolk (cooked) with a few tablespoons of kibble mixed in.
2. She goes CRAZY for barbecue... especially pork ribs. It's like she's died and gone to heaven. When we barbecue, you see her almost twitching as she sits watching us devour the deliciousness.
3. Chips/pretzels... anything like that.
4. Carrots, broccoli, oranges, apples
5. Cheese! oh boy... she waits at our feet when we grate cheese
6. Peanut butter (really though, who doesn't?)
7. Meat (any kind actually)
8. She really WANTS to like chocolate chip cookies (especially straight out of the oven) and mint chocolate chip ice cream, but no chocolate for Ginny. :)
OK, so most dogs will eat just about anything, our sweet puppy does not like the following:
1. Pickles
2. Strawberries
3. Cucumbers
4. Lobster
5. Asparagus
6. Zucchini
As you probably guessed, she will eat most things, even if it's not her favorite, these are just the things that she absolutely won't eat :)
03 July 2011
Toilet Paper
This story is 100% true. All of it.
Dave & I were out shopping at Costco. We needed toilet paper. Even though we live in a small apartment, Costco size TP is totally worth it because I hate always having disposable items on my shopping list. That's why I stopped buying paper napkins, but that's another story. So Dave is off looking at something else and I'm sent to fetch the TP. On my way towards that paper aisle, Dave reminds me to get the cheap stuff. (He's an economist, it's not his fault). So, I go and I start looking at all the different TP and the prices. Scott 1000 was by far the cheapest (even compared to Kirkland brand) and so that's what I got (mostly in fear that Dave would go back to look at the prices and discover that I didn't choose the absolute cheapest one).
We get home and he looks at the toilet paper.
Dave: "You got this one!?!? Why?? This is horrible!"
Me: "It's the cheapest. You said get the cheapest"
Dave: "But not that cheap!"
Me: "Too late now... besides, it can't be that bad"
We begin using said toilet paper and it is truly awful. It was 100% recycled fiber (whatever that means) and just plain awful. By the time we are finished using the first 3 rolls or so, we had a couple of the old stuff left. We saved that... boy did we save it! In fact, if we had guests over, we put away our cheap awful toilet paper and put out a roll of the "good stuff". Seriously. This is true. Though, once (and only once) we forgot to put out the good toilet paper and Dave was concerned... he said "do you think Jen noticed our crappy toilet paper?" ummm... not sure. We did not let it slip after that.
Move forward to May. Dave is graduating with his Master's Degree and his mom, dad & sister come out for the event. At this point, we are bout 80% through the bad TP and have about 3/4 of a roll of the "guest TP".
Dave says "should we put out the good toilet paper?"
Me: "No way! It's just family. Not anyone we need to impress. Besides, they can help us use up all this bad toilet paper!"
Dave: gives me a look.
Me: "Besides, we don't have much good stuff left, we'll have to go buy more if you want to use it while they are here."
Dave: "I guess so. Hopefully they won't notice"
If they noticed how crappy our TP was, they didn't mention it. It might have been said behind our backs, but I can deal with that.
At our most recent trip to Costco. I declare, "We are getting good toilet paper, and I don't care how much it costs". We both laughed. It took us forever to get through that stuff! One mistake I'll never make again.
But this all brings me back to when I was a kid... probably in middle school or something like that. We were all in front of the TV watching StarTrek and a Charmin commercial comes on, you know, the one withe the Bear in the forest with the newspaper and his roll of huggably soft toilet paper. Anyways, dad, being the funny one, says, "Ya, like I look for comfort when I'm in the toilet". (Insert 4 kids laughing). But seriously dad, I do. I didn't before, but I've been to the other side and back. It's way more important than you might think!
At our most recent trip to Costco. I declare, "We are getting good toilet paper, and I don't care how much it costs". We both laughed. It took us forever to get through that stuff! One mistake I'll never make again.
But this all brings me back to when I was a kid... probably in middle school or something like that. We were all in front of the TV watching StarTrek and a Charmin commercial comes on, you know, the one withe the Bear in the forest with the newspaper and his roll of huggably soft toilet paper. Anyways, dad, being the funny one, says, "Ya, like I look for comfort when I'm in the toilet". (Insert 4 kids laughing). But seriously dad, I do. I didn't before, but I've been to the other side and back. It's way more important than you might think!
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