
02 April 2008

Hmmm... lets see how this goes

My goal in starting up this "blog" is mostly as a way for family and friends afar to be more familiar with my life out here in Worcester, MA... or wherever I end up next. The term "blog" should therefore be used loosely because I doubt that I shall ever rant or rave about any particular topic. I just want to be able to put up some pictures and talk about my life. I'm not sure how regularly I'll be updating this... hopefully more often than not :) I do hope that people will feel free to comment and smile as they read this. smile.


Unknown said...

Yes, your neglected uncle, the one who never receives e-mails from his niece, is the first to comment!

We miss you, Michelle!

Pat Smock said...

Hi, Michelle!

I must say that your technology skills are very good!

We appreciated the updates when your dad was in the hospital, and pray that he is gaining strength and feeling better.

Give us a call when you are in S.D. if you have time.

Love, Pat and Gordon

Anonymous said...

you win uncle bob! :) if it makes you feel better, i haven't been e-mailing much to anyone since i've been so busy in the lab!

Unknown said...

Hey there,
Love the idea of a blog page. Anything to keep us all connected and up to date in your life works for me! Thanks for making the effort.
PS. Your Uncle Bob is such a show-off!

Unknown said...

Hey sis! Steppin into the new age huh? Well you're way ahead of me, I'm still fickle as can be with communication and I still live in San Diego! What a neat idea to keep in touch. I miss you and I'm proud of what you're accomplishing out there. Hope all is going well.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Great idea! Good Job Michelle! Luv Allen and Debbie

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool but I'm a computer dork! Not in a good way!