When I was at home, I got to see a bunch of people that I don't normally get to. I saw grandparents and cousins and Aunt's and Uncle's. And Bonus- my brother Curtis who is stationed in Korea in the Army even came out for the wedding... he's in the picture of me and my Grandma and Dad. He looks great don't you think?!? I saw my friend Christy which was a treat because she and her husband live in Uganda. I also got to catch up with my friends Dilenna and Chad. They just had a 2nd baby girl on April 1st and she is just so cute. We had dinner one night and then we met up one morning to go walking around our long-time favorite hang out spot Lake Murray. We can't make it all the way around anymore because 2 year old's don't last long in the stroller. :) All in all, it was a good trip. I really enjoyed spending time with friends I hadn't seen in a while and just hanging out.

Many more details from my brother Craig's wedding is next... but it's so hard to choose pictures!!
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