I've been recently frustrated by the over-exuberance that people have in regards to holding doors open for other people. If the door has time to close before I get there, please don't stand there and hold it open... then I'll feel like I have to rush- and I don't like to rush.
In one of my underground tunnel passages yesterday at work, one guy even went back to the door to open it for me because I had a couple things in my hands. His arms were equally laden with things and it would have been easier to just open the door myself because the things that I was carrying were easier to juggle... it was a bit awkward.
I think the worst part is feeling like I have to stand there and hold the door for others when it is totally unnecessary. So I want to ask, when does it end? If the timing is perfect, then great... but the rest of the time I feel the burden of this unrealistic expectation to wait around for people to get to the door so that another can let go.
My friend Shruti says that if she's in a hurry she just proceeds and doesn't look back, but if she's got time, she'll stand there and hold a door. That makes sense, but the only time I've got the leisure to do that is going from my coffee break back to the lab. On every other occasion, I'm on a mission to get something done.
It's one thing if you're with a group of people traveling together, or if you see someone pushing a heavy cart or a stroller and you want to be helpful. The only time I expect for doors to be held for me is when I'm on a date, any other time, I do not expect it. So if you see me not standing around holding a door for someone 20 feet away, please don't be offended.
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