Why does it seem that we all want to be something we're not? It seems that everywhere I go, I see women who are extraordinary and I want to be like them in some way. I aspire to be an extraordinary woman myself and somehow feel pressured to be everything that I am not in order to fulfill that aspiration. Usually what I covet is a trait that I see as positive. The woman who is Godly, compassionate, artistic, smart, athletic, beautiful, thin, energetic, positive, multi-tasker, well read, fun etc. The list goes on and on. Usually these are things that I see as what makes one love another... or if I pass by and simply think that it is beautiful.
I have never met a woman who is everything. Then why do I feel like I should be different than the rest and should be able to achieve all of these things? Why do I feel like if I am not these things, then nobody will love me? Why do I feel like I am inadequate if at any given time I am not everything?
TRUTH: Whether or not you believe it, we are ALL created in God's image. All women. All men. God is the only one that can be everything. We cannot. He has given me every trait- quirky or not- that I need. If I do not need to be witty, then I will not be, for I am other things. This does not make me less, it makes me more.
God created beauty. I am learning to appreciate the many forms that it comes in. I cannot be a tree on the shore of Kitsilano Beach in Vancouver, but I can take a picture of it.
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