Friday night should have started in the afternoon... but
somebody didn't get out of work in time (uh- that would be me), then hit traffic and then only made it to the sailing pavillion 15 minutes before it closed. Boo. OK, so, I had way too much energy to go straight out, I needed to move around. So jumper-man and I took his dog Logan for a walk (who apparently doesn't play catch or even have a tennis ball. Boo. But the walk was nice and it got me moving around, which I totally needed. We then went to the North End in Boston and ate at a nice little restaurant called Mother Anna's... sooo good. I forgot my leftovers in his truck, but he sent a text to say 'thanks for the lunch' so at least it didn't go to waste. It was a nice night, so then we walked around Fanueil Hall part of town and went to a bar (somewhere between Purple Shamrock and Bell in Hand, but I don't remember the name of the actual bar we went to). There was live music and I honestly didn't know it could be so fun to go to a bar with just one other person and have a drink and do a little bit of dancing like it was our own private party. I've never done that before and it was loads of fun.
Got back to his place. Dog actually listened to me when I told him to 'sit'. Let the dog out, tried to get the dog back in. Dog didn't like that and bit my leg. It hurt and I was very startled (but I didn't cry)... now I'm a little intimidated by said dog. True story. Here's the proof:

This is even
before it started bruising really badly!! It still hurts, but I'll live. No long-term damage... or rabies.
The end.
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