Imagine. 5:50 am. Mr. Wonderful needs to get moving because it's an hour drive to work. He struggles to get off of the futon and into the shower where he belongs. I'm in the light beige carpeted kitchen putting together his incredibly predictable lunch. One sandwich included yesterday's barbecued pork required barbecue sauce and nothing else. Got the bottle. Gave it a shake. Lid wasn't on tightly. Barbecue sauce went a-flyin. Yup. Not the first time I've spilled something similar in color all over the carpet (except last time it was canned pumpkin down the staircase). Anyhow, boy looks up at me from the floor he's scrubbing and says "this is going to be my life, isn't it? I should invest in a carpet-cleaninig company". I have the tendency to spill. Oopsies! But hopefully we'll never have a carpeted kitchen!!
What a funny story! You've got to love that Dave. Do they have Folex out there? It can get anything out of carpet. Maybe we should send you a case :) just in case. He he
That wasn't really Bruce who said that....it was mom....but he is the one with the account...how confusing....love mom
I'll have to check on Folex... never heard of it!
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