So, ever since last week, I have found it painful to walk. Towards the end of last week, I had to stop twice because the pain in my foot was so excruciating that I couldn’t continue walking. I had previously been told that I have plantar fasciitis and I assumed that the condition was worsening despite the fact that I was avoiding running like the doctor told me to. So I went in to see him again, because foot pain like this is just not normal. I told him where the pain was and he said that that wasn’t plantar fasciitis and that we needed to take an X-ray ASAP. We did this and it was kinda cool because I could see the X-rays as soon as he took them because the images went straight to the computer. I had what looked like the beginning of some stress fractures, but more worrisome was that my 1st metatarsal on my right foot is severely inflamed. Yikes! So I have to wear the cute little shoe pictured above for a while (until the inflammation goes down) and I have an MRI on Saturday to make sure that there is no soft tissue damage or anything else going on. I’m going a little stir crazy here, so I can only hope that this inflammation goes away quickly.
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