So we got there and I was really feelin’ rolled taco’s. Of course, that’s not on the menu. They make flauta’s and “taquito bites” (whatever that means), but no rolled tacos. But a lot of times, especially at specialty restaurants, you can ask for something that maybe the chef makes that maybe isn’t on the menu. I thought I’d give it a shot… after all, rolled tacos are my favorite food especially after shopping or surfing. Growing up, I told mom and dad that I could eat them every night and never get tired of them. Looking back, I was probably wrong about that, but I see that as a testament to how good these things are. (Here’s a picture of what the real McCoy looks like):

I was lucky. Our cute waiter was very friendly and eager to please. So I threw it out there… “ya know, I’m from San Diego and my favorite thing in the whole world are rolled tacos… do you think I could have some of those?” At first, he looked a little confused about what I was talking about. He said “we don’t have big corn tortillas” so I described them to him. I said you just take a normal size corn tortilla… you put some beef in there and you roll it up. Then you fry it. When they’re done, you top with guacamole and cheese and they’re fabulous! He said “really?”… yup. Then he said he’ll talk to the chef.
He came back soon after with our food. They had made the rolled tacos!!! They were flat. The cheese was melted on top with the guacamole spread over it… but they were wonderful! Probably better than CA rolled tacos because they used carne asada instead of shredded beef. I was very impressed. The waiter said, “we make these for you any time!”. Awesome. I took a picture with my phone (I’m not super impressed with the quality, but it’s the best I can do).

Wow! I love that restaurant too! We had about 12 people over at our house yesterday after church for an inpromptu (sp?) taco dinner. It was amazing and a great time.
Hooray for Acopulco's
and that was a really cool story. I've never tried asking for something not on the menu. I'll try that next time.
And yes, Marty, you spelled impromptu correctly. I just think I spelled Acupulco's imporperly.
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