
10 February 2009

Grad School Thoughts

I’ve spent some time pondering the life of a graduate student recently. My entire future relies on my committee deciding that I’m “ready” (whatever that means) to graduate. And until that day comes, you just work like crazy. I’m not going to lie- I really like to work hard. I like to put in long hours including nights and weekends. I feel like it moves me towards my goal. I also like feeling like I accomplished something. Almost every day I do something that will ultimately bring me closer to graduation. Every day that happens I am a very happy girl.

I also have secondary motivation though. On March 27th I’m giving a seminar to IIDC (Innate Immunity Data Club- not exactly Mensa, but still good) and I’d really like to have some new exciting data to show instead of the same old stuff that isn’t exactly earth-shattering.

So, to sum it up, my life is motivated by 3 things*:
1. Deadlines
2. Graduation
3. Meeting a nice guy
*The order of importance depends on my mood, time of the month and how much I am frustrated with Worcester or being poor.

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