
22 May 2009

German Washing Machines

Germans take their washing machines very seriously... but it is rare to have a dryer in the house. I am staying with my friend Andrea in Heidelberg currently and I do recall that when she was in Worcester for several months, she complained about American washing machines and how they don't get her clothes clean. These can actually turn into heated discussions! Anyhow, yesterday she did a load of towels and we were waiting for that to finish. I kept waiting... and waiting... the cycle took at least 2 hours! Unbelieveable! 2 hours!?!? Apparently the machine fills with water, literally brings the water to a boil, and then starts the wash & rinsing cycles. I never knew I had to boil my clothes to get them good and clean. But then you've got to wait 2-3 days for your towels to dry...

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