
06 May 2009

Thoughts for Post-Doc Positions

For those of you who don't know much about the world of science, when I'm done with my PhD at UMass, I will then have to go and work as a Post-Doc. (This is the equivalent to a residency for medical doctors). It is still considered a "training" position and I will be poorly compensated for the hours that I will work... similar to being a grad student. I am really OK with this, it's part of the process, and it's a fun place to be.

Last night, I spent about 4 hours looking into institutions all over the world that do the stuff that I am interested in (more on that some other time). I really want to do an international post doc, so I am looking abroad first. I found several places that do research in areas that I am interested (see map below for my considerations).

One major problem that I have in looking for positions in countries like Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland is that I do not speak the language. In some cases I couldn't even navigate the website! I was able to navigate around the website for ETH Zurich the Pasteur Institute and The institute of Microbiology and Genetics at Geneva

But tell me, do you think I should go here: ?? Supposedly there is some really great research going on there, but the research pages are not translated into English. Boo. I think I'll pass... This may keep me in English speaking countries. I'm not sure I have it in me to go somewhere that can't even translate their webpage.

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