Today while at the gym after work, I was on the elliptical minding my own business and I noticed a guy walk by me and kinda look at me. Well, it's the gym, so I take it all as a grain of salt and continued on my merry way. Then he "conveniently" stepped on another machine caddy corner to where i was. I continue ignoring him because at this point, still nothing that weird. I go to the Greendale YMCA and the cardio room isn't super huge. But then, I go to the mat to stretch and do some ab works. He follows to the mats a couple minutes after I get there. Now I'm noticing this. He's working extra hard over there... I roll my eyes, decide I'll come back later and go to lift some weights. Shock of all shocks, it isn't too long until he's over there lifting weights, walking by constantly. I decide to lift weights with my eyes closed (I'm on a guided machine so this is possible). I decide that I was tired of avoiding this guy and all the annoying high school boys trying to impress the high school girls that I go back to the mat to stretch again before leaving. Again, no surprise, gym guy is back on the mats and all I can think is "go away!"
Now, I will say this, he wasn't ugly. He might have even been nice... but don't follow me around the gym!! Muster up the balls to say hello or smile even if I've got "don't talk to me" written on my forehead... or don't. If I'm interested, which I'm probably not, but if I am, maybe I'll say hello back... but I doubt it.
Last but not least, since the YMCA is a family type of place, it is no surprise to find that parents bring their high school kids to get them to exercise. Good. But seriously, I do not remember being around boys in high school that were so ridiculous (although I'm sure I was)! They are basically wild hormones inside of skin vaguely resembling people.
The "dumb jocks" walk around talking about football and their protein shakes while lifting a bit in between long breaks of checking out girls, drinking water, showing off their knowledge of weight lifting and acting cool. The "nice guys" travel in groups of at least 3 with the designated ring leader that will initiate the conversation with the pretty girl who is not sweating too much on the elliptical or stationary bike. The "dorky guys" follow their dad around and do what they're told.
I do my best to ignore them, but mostly they just annoy me like crazy. When any of the high school kids look at me, all I can think of is, "I got 10 years on you kid! Go away." Otherwise, unless they're some creepy guy that icks me out or follows me, I take it as a complement.
I've decided that boys, in general, are stupid. Something I've known for a while but am only just coming to grips with it. After all, dad always told me over and over "Michelle, all guys think with their dicks... you gotta watch out." Which, strictly speaking, doesn't make for a very smart species.
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