
13 July 2009

Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed

OK, well, not really... I've been really busy and haven't been super good about keeping my lab notebook up to date. So, last week I spent a couple hours counting some M.tb colonies that were the result of an experiment that I've done recently. In the lab I tend to only label my plates with numbers or letters so that when I'm counting the colonies I don't know what the individual plates are. This is a good practice because it keeps any deep and hidden biases that I may have when I'm looking at my data. Well, the experiment that I did on 6/15/09 I didn't write up. Nothing. I am sure that I probably put some notes on a little sticky that I probably threw away. Can't find it. But here's the graph from the data that I made. Bummer that I have no idea what is what.

Get this... I did it twice in the same month... it's been a busy month. I had a huge experiment that literally filled an entire shelf in the incubator. About 300 plates. Last night I went home with what I thought was everything that I needed and guess what. I have no idea what A-U are. I know how I did the experiment, I know what concentrations of various chemicals that I added... I found those stickies. But I have no idea what groups were assigned what letters... I can't find the key. Bummer. This was an experiment that I really needed and was really excited about. I am really not happy about this right now. I am getting ready to basically tear my desk apart to search for the missing pieces... wish me luck.

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