
23 July 2009

Midnight Premier of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I really like Harry Potter. I read the books. I own all the movies. But this is the first time that I've gone to the movies in the middle of the night just because I could. I didn't dress up like I could have. I didn't go at 8am to buy my ticket. But I went. The theater was packed. We bought tickets at 10:15pm or so and the earliest show we could get into was 12:35. the 12:01, 12:05, 12:10, 12:15 etc. were all ready sold out.

It was a good time though. Book 6 was my favorite book of the series. The movie obviously doesn't do the book justice, but I enjoyed it. It was funny, it was sad, it was the adventures of Harry Potter. I recommend that you go and have a look.

Yuly and I with the proof that we actually went to a 12:35am showing of the latest Harry Potter movie

It was late... Erik took a nap for the 45 minutes we sat waiting for the movie to start

The Mayhem

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