
22 July 2011

Business & Networking Cards

Many of you know the importance of networking. You do it all the time. At work, at meetings, at lunches, but you may not realize that you also network at the gym or the hair salon... dare I say it, even at a bar! You never know who you will meet or when. I recently started working out with a group of about 6 people. The guy who "ran" the group is married to the VP at BD Biosciences for the Health Economics and Outcomes Research Group. Whoddathunkit? Gave the guy my "grad student" card that I made myself and am now connected to her, a valuable resource. Awesome. Always be prepared. You never know who you will meet!

These are the cards that I made myself in grad-school. I think you can get some through UMass when you are a student, but I wanted something a little more feminine.

But now, I'm facing the idea that I may be looking for a job while NOT at UMass and living in our new town Rockville, MD. So, I found these awesome "mini" cards. They are half the size of a business card. I was able to use confocal images that I took during my graduate research for the back-side and put my current info (email and phone number) on the opposite side in a cool lime green color, which happens to coordinate well with the images on the opposite side. Cool huh?!? Even better is that you can upload up to 100 different images. And they are cheap! $19.99/100. I think that's pretty good considering you are getting a unique product that can really promote your "brand". In full disclosure, I also ordered some non-nerdy ones with a cool pink-geometric pattern when I don't want someone to know my full geekiness. :)

Use the link above for a 10% discount!!

These are some of the images I used for my custom cards!

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