
18 August 2008

what a weekend!

This past weekend was really wonderful. On Friday night I went to a surprise party birthday party for my friend Dominic who turned 25. We met up at Bertucci’s and then we went candlepin bowling. I had never been candlepin bowling… it was interesting. The pins are really skinny compared to normal ones and the bowling ball is about the size of a large grapefruit. Every time it’s your turn, you roll the ball 3 times per frame and you do 2 frames consecutively. According to my friend Jon, if you grow up in New England and you go bowling with your family, its automatically candlepin bowling… not the normal kind that the rest of the country enjoys. To say the least, I wasn’t very good at it… but maybe next time.

Saturday I had breakfast with a group of 6 ladies that are in my Bible study at Fellowship Church. This is a new tradition that we’re starting and hopefully will be able to get together once a month to just hang out and get to know each other better and encourage and pray for each other. It really is such a blessing to share that time with them… the only bummer is that its at 8am. But by the time I have a cup of coffee, I’m fine. After that, I hit the pool for some laps followed by a 15 minutes in a massaging whirlpool. I was so amazingly relaxed!!! It was great. That evening, after going to lab for a couple hours, my friend Whitney and I went out to get gifts for upcoming weddings. At the end of that it was about 8pm and we hadn’t eaten, so we went into Olive Garden and ate at the bar. We split a drink and a meal. Both of us only ate about half of the split meal and the guy manning the bar couldn’t believe it when we asked for a box. Thirteen bucks for 4 meals… pretty good.

Sunday, I hit the beach. I love the beach. Most people who know me would say that is an understatement. The beauty of it is, I don’t care if it’s a beach on the ocean or lake or river… just sand and water and I’m a happy girl. I went with friends that I met at a church in Boston about a year ago. We invited several people but it ended up being just 4 of us which ended up being a really good thing for a couple reasons. The first is that we all fit into one car. The second is that we didn’t really have a plan… we just kinda thought we’d find a beach, park and enjoy the day. Well, if only it had been that easy. Beach after beach was full and there was nowhere to park…. Including the one we were looking for originally (Singing Beach) but had a hard time finding. 2 hours after we started driving, and we didn’t have any more ideas, Sheryl said that she knew of a beach that was never crowded but it also wasn’t super nice. At that point, we were just glad to think of a place that had free parking (or parking period) and didn’t have a million people on it. Sheryl had lived in Beverly for a bit so it was kinda an inside scoop. We showed up and what do you know, it wasn’t crowded and there was parking. It was small and the sand was very course, but the water was moderately warm (~65) and it was quiet and there were bathrooms. It turned out to be a really lovely day. I got to swim in the exceedingly salty Atlantic Ocean, lay out and soak up some sunshine, play smashball with my friend Jon (who was very good at keeping the volley going) and just hang out with some friends. After the beach, we went to church and when I got home, I found out that my Aunt Francie was in town so I went to my friends John and Marianne’s for dessert and to say hello. It was nice to see her and catch up. As soon as I got home, I threw in a load of laundry, crashed and now I’m at work… working…

I love being me.

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