
15 May 2008

Don't Grow Weary or Lose Heart

This week I’ve been thinking about some things. It started on Monday but Tuesday was insane, so I picked it back up on Wednesday and have been thinking about this ever since. The Bible talks about all sorts of people, who lived by faith and by doing so, were doing “crazy things” by other people’s standards. Think about it… Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son; Noah built an arc; Moses parted the Red Sea; Ruth slept on the threshing floor; and the list goes on. They all lived by their faith in God and God provided for them all… perhaps not in the way that they would have preferred or anticipated, but he did. In light of those people whose stories are told- we are supposed to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:2) and “do not grow weary or lose heart” (vs 3).

Why do we so easily grow weary and lose heart? I do. I get discouraged about various things whether I feel like I’m not exercising enough (or should I say, not skinny enough), not reading enough for work, not smart enough, not pretty enough, and not fun enough. Those of you who know me may think ‘I can’t believe she would think that of herself’. But the truth is I’m human and just as susceptible to listening to Satan’s lies as anyone else. Sometimes, I’m not living like a person who has been brought from death to life… like someone who was spared because someone else gave their life for me… because He thinks I’m worth it… because He thinks that you are worth it.

As soon as I let discontentment into my heart, it begins and I grow weary of where I am and I begin to lose heart and lose focus. It starts with just a simple statement like “I can’t wait to graduate and move away from central Mass”… and then I start feeling sad about not having anyone to call to throw a frisbee with or play tennis with. But, I know that God brought me here for a reason, so I think that I will enjoy central Mass and the quietness to my life that it brings. I will also remember that I was created in the image of God. (We all were if that encourages you at all.) I have weaknesses so that other’s strengths can shine through… I have certain abilities so that I can live side-by-side with people who need my strengths. It’s all under control… so don’t grow weary or lose heart… live by faith and keep running the race.


Chad, Dilenna, Ashlynn, and Audree said...


Thank you so much for being so open and honest in your blog. It really encourages me. I have been really stressed and emotional lately, which is not me, so I'm not sure what to do. But your words are encouraging and help remind me that God's word is the ultimate truth. Thanks for reminding me of that.


Anonymous said...

Hi...Thank you for reminding me of those so important truths! How timely I would read this today...(much needed...God's timing IS perfect!)apparently my mental calendar is out of I had your birthday as May 21st(hence the ecard on the 21st)...and then your departure date as the 30th...was going to drop you a line before your trip to San have been on my heart!
In His Love & mine,