
13 May 2008

Oh the Lab

Ok, so its Tuesday night 9:52pm and I’m still in lab. To be quite honest, it doesn’t bother me staying late if it helps me graduate sooner. I also like it because it’s a lot quieter and since my desk is right next to the lab manager’s (who is always on the phone) this makes a huge difference. Right now, I’m doing laser scanning confocal microscopy. It’s pretty nifty technology (I'll skip the physics)… I take beautiful pictures of cells eating other cells that are infected with TB. But to be honest, I’ve been here since 8am and I’ve got about 4 more hours left and my brain is starting to feel the heat. I did have a 3 hour break during which I went for a run, took a shower and ate dinner. I should have taken a nap. But that’s just the way it goes sometimes. The reason I’m not doing the microscopy right now is because there hasn’t been much of a difference between the time points with only an hour in between them, so I’m waiting 2 hours for this next one. If I don’t see a difference here, I think I’ll skip the last time point and optimize the experiment for the next time I do this… which may very well be Friday. whoo hoo!

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