
26 July 2009

But I digress...

Today I sit at my desk reading and writing. It’s a nice change from the constant “on” state that I must maintain in the lab. But, I took some time this weekend to paint my toenails pink and while I was doing this, I was inspired to have a go at a French manicure on my fingers. I have a bad habit of picking at my cuticles and munching my nails when I get a bit stressed out so in my effort to not do that, I thought I’d paint them. Problem is, now I think that my hands look rather pretty and I find myself sitting here at my desk admiring my nails on my hands and cute little toes as a bit of a diversion from my studies. I’m sure you’re thinking, wow, wish I could see them… ah technology today… :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle. Good luck with all your studying and writing. I can't help but notice Kirsten's announcement in the background: I'm glad you got it! Also, excellent choice on a laptop. Aren't Apples great?