
22 August 2009

Rosy Cheeks

Mom and dad used to tell me that when I was a little girl, my cheeks used to get really rosy and pink when I was tired. They would ask me if I was tired and my cheeks would say it all...

Today I worked all day. Woke up early (before 7 am) and left the lab around 5 pm. I got home and my cheeks were soooo pink. I think I'm tired... actually, I know I'm tired... I'm beat down exhausted. Took an hour long snooze when I got home, and if it is at all possible, they are more rosy now. In my more advanced age, I only get rosy cheeks when I'm really super tired.

Mom thinks it's cute that my cheeks still do this little trick... not that I can control it, but I'm not so sure how I feel about it... I guess it contributes to my charm!

1 comment:

Birdy said...

I love that picture....and the rosy cheeks made my cheeks rosy too!