
25 April 2008

My Turn

There are times that I look at other people’s lives and think ‘why not me’? It’s not that I’m unhappy with where I am, but sometimes I think about when it will be my turn for certain things in life. This includes- but is not limited to- a job that pays more than a graduate student stipend, someone to spend the rest of my life with, kids and living somewhere more “permanently” (as opposed to the constant moving from apartment to apartment).

I’ve got an amazing friend who is only about a year older than me… she snagged a great guy almost 5 years ago and just had her second beautiful baby girl. She has a heart for God and people. She spends time investing in others and will be a great role-model for her daughters. She is fun to be around, super down-to-earth and in a couple of months she probably won’t even look like she’s had 2 children. Have I mentioned that she’s amazing? Sometimes I find myself envying what she’s got. Most of the time, I’m really glad that I don’t have two kids yet. And many times I think- I’m not in a hurry but when will it be my turn?

I rest assured that God knows me better than I know me and that there’s a reason that I’m not there yet. I refuse to believe that I’m not married etc. because there is something wrong with me or that I’m defective in any way. On a bad day, it’s really not hard to think that of oneself. But on most days I’m really happy with where I am and am not thinking about all the when’s why’s and how’s. Gotta live for today, tomorrow has enough worries of its own…

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God…” Romans 8:28

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